Sunday, September 7, 2014

Semana #27: Hola!

Buenas Dias familia!

How sad that your summer is ending.. but sounds like you all are enjoying it! This week here in Valencia we had alot of sunshine, and its always nice and warm :)

A few interestings/funnies from this week:
-There is a new Elder here in our zone who knows the Valentine family in Sandy, and was also in the MTC with the brother of sister valentine. 
-Yesterday we were teaching Erik (converso) of the 10 commandments, we were reading about the commandment number 4 and it lists all the people in the household that shouldn´t work. one of which says "extranjero" (which in spanish means foriengers) He paused and looked at me and said, Hey no worries hermana mckee, you don´t have to work here in Ecuador. haha. it was a good time, but maybe ya had to be there. haha

We were able to attend the temple with our ward this week and with our conversos recientes. We went with Erik, and the other missionares in our ward had 2 others but the sisters were sick, so we accompanied them too. It was incredible to watch Erik be baptized for his father, he is progressing SO much. He now comes to church in a white shirt and tie, and yesterday he blessed the sacrament, recieved a calling, and stayed to attend Missionary Preparation. This work is amazing. 

This week, during our day of contacting, it was super hard!! I´m pretty sure we found every Catholic here in Valencia who "is catholica and wants to die catholic" It was a really rough week. As a mission we have a goal to be teaching 15 families, and we are struggling with that. Its amazing how the Lord blesses us when we go the extra mile to knock on just one more door, or talk with one more person. We are planting seeds.

This week were exercising at the park, and we started talking with Johnny, he just moved here, and was able to come to church yesterday, and is preparing to baptism him 19 de Sept. Blessings! :)

I read an email from My friend Sister Goody who is serving in Oklahoma, was sad to hear about the wreck that happened there. We are praying for those families. 

This week is going to be a great one!! It is the last week of the change, I can´t believe how fast it goes. THanks for the fotos and the emails!! Love you all so much!! Thanks for the prayers also. Good luck to my sisters and my nephews in all your sports and activities.ANd reunion at Joylenns also, family is the most important of everythng. ENjoy every minute you can together! Tell everyone Hola de Hermana McKee y que necesitan invitar alguien a la iglesia este domingo. :) Good luck in your missionary work there!! 

Les Amo, 
Hermana McKee

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