Monday, April 21, 2014

Semana #8: 3 Nefi 5:13

Familia! I will be honest and tell you right now I do not know what that scripture says, but I had it written down to share with you :)

It sounds like you are all having fun preparring for the summer. Cleaning up the property, and getting all my pregnant sisters getting ready to have babies! haha. Chevare. Im glad that things are going well for you all, and that eveyone is healthy and well. Here they are preparing for the "cold times" haha, not really. only 70 ish degrees. I love hearing from you all every week. I even got an email from Kiara this week! Woot Woot! Haha. She said, "It has been a while hasnt it? I think the last time I talked to you was when you left!" Its true. Thanks for the emails!

Here are some fun/interesting/random/ things from this past week!

1. Last Pday we went into Guayqauil to see the Park of the Iguanas, it was closed :( But this park is just in the center of the city, and its not even that big. haha it is the weirdest thing! But there are iguanas all over! like 3-4ft long ones. We could see them from the outside. We also ate at McDonalds! haha. After  rice every day.. never has a burger tasted so good. 

2. I may have already told you this, but an Elder in my zone, Elder Tiaua is in the same ward as Elder Justin Mauginoa from Nashville! Small World. 

3. WE HAD A BAPTISM!! Brigit was baptized this week!! It was a beautiful bautismo. 

4. Did I ever tell you I ate Cactus? Cause I did. 

We have planned for 4 baptisms this Saturday. The hard thing is we have so many investigators who have a testimony and are ready to be baptized, but they need to get married!!!  We also have so many investigators who are able to be baptized, but they do  not keep their commitments. We are working really hard with the Mom of Brigit, MONICA, and also a lady named MERCEDEZ, and EDITHA y CHRISTOFER. They all have a desire to be baptized, but the longer they wait the more temptaion comes. 

This week, we had a special stake conference! Only for Ecuador! Elders Nash, Sister Wixom, and Elders Holland and Scott all spoke. Elders Nash and Scott spoke in Spanish, and Ellder Holland... tried. haha! But I think his spanish is still better than mine! After the meeting, we met outside the members who had our lunch appt. And the weirdest thing happened! They took us to a restuarant? haha my companion and I were so confused.. but what do you do? haha. The members really do treat us well here.We had a lunch appt. this week with a member, Hermana Lesvia, and she put in front of us this huge bowl of soup! I thought, there is no way  I can eat all of this, but at lest there is no rice! So I did my best, but I couldnt finish.. then. Just gives us this huge plate with a mountain of rice and orange chicken (My favorite) Holy Cow. Ya, that wasnt happening! haha. But it was super good! Its hard because we only eat Lunch, and breakfast, so my body gets used to not eating that much and then BOOM! haha.

I read a quote this week from a talk by President Monson called "Meeting you Goliath" it said "Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty." This was kind of my motto for this week. I have seen alot of progress in my spanish thanks to your prayers. I have tried hard to always be studying and learning every minute between 630 am and 1030 pm. I am learning so much about Jesus Christ, his purpose, our purpose, and how they go together. Are you all still reading in the Book of Mormon every day? What about Preaach My Gospel? I want to know what you are learning. I know that this work is true. When people read the Book of Mormon their lives change, they recieve a Spirit in their lives they cannot deny comes from God. This I know is true. I love you all so much! Thank you all for the pictures! Ah l love them. You all looke Great. Aubrey you looks goregous in Jr. Miss! Thank you for your prayers! 

Les Amo,
Hermana McKee

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