Monday, October 13, 2014

Semana #30: Una semana nueva!

Buenas Dias mi familia!!

I usually write so fast, and I´m losing my english that you all probably never understand the little part that I write about my week. I decdied that one day I will want to go back and read my emails, so I should slow down and have sense in what I´m writing, no? haha.

Fun/interesting/cutural things from this week!
-Bueno, Last Pday we went to the 7 waterfalls!!! It was so pretty, and felt so good to go on a nice long hike. We took pictures by each water fall, and had a really fun time! We went with the other missionaries and converts
-I gave my first talk in Sacrament Meeting  this Sunday in Spanish! Haha. Can you believe I went 6 months without speaking? Ive shared my testimony many times, but this was the first time I had to speak. I´m glad it was when I had 6 months and not 2 or 3 because I felt a little better with my Spanish! 
-We were walking down the street contacting one day, and suddenly there was this cow in the middle of the road! haha. The truth is there are always random animlas in the street so I wasn´t too surprised.. but still It was pretty great . 

Now I am alone with the Hermana TeÓ from Laie, Hawaii. We think we had Book of Mormon class together at BYUHawaii! She is really great, we have lots of fun, and she teaches me alot with her example and way of teaching our investigatores. Hermana Flores left yesterday with Presidente, and returns to her home tomorrow. 

In the mission, we are focusing on finding and teaching families. As a mission we have a goal to be teaching 15 families. Right now, Hermana TeÓ y me have 10 familias. They are all progressing in the speed, and President Riggins told us that we are to have 15 families, not to have better numbers and higher baptisms, but to learn Patience. Which is what we are doing :) 

We are teaching the Familia Ajon, and they are progressing really well! Their son, Luis already is member, and we are teaching his 2 sisters and parents. They are just waiting to get married, and they will baptzed! They love attending the church, and learning more about Christ. Also, we are teaching La familia Tipantuña, Hermana Luis is working on stop drinking but they both loved the mesage of the Restoration. They said is makes sense! I´d have to agree with them!! :)

There is so many great things happening in our area, and so many great people. There are so many who need the message of the Gospel, however don´t understand the difference it can make in their lives if they don´t APPLY it . That is what I am learning. In prepariing for General Conference, I have been reading the Liahaona from the past conference, I read the Talk by ELder Hales, If you love my keep my commandments. I learned alot about the Savior in this talk, about his example of obedience. If we love our Savior, we will be obedient, becuase we love him, not becuase we have too, or are obligated, or justify it. It is all because we love our Savior. 

Brayden and Jaren look taller than Dad in your photo! That sounds like a great choir. And I´m jelaous of the weekend yall spent with Elder Hinckely. Sounds amazing!! Good luck with everything you are doing! Staying really busy as always. Dont be afraid to rest a little, eh? :) I hope all the familiy is doing great, been a while since I´ve heard from everyone :) haha. But glad that you all are well. Who are you going to invite to Conference? 

Until Next week!
Les Amo,
Hermana McKee

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