Monday, October 13, 2014

Semana #31: Buenas Dias!

It is another beautiful day here in Valencia, Ecuador. It is full of Sunshine, and that is just the way we like it here :) 

Heres a few miracles/cultural/exciting things from this week:
-This week we were riding in a tricimoto (its what we take to teach in the pueblos around valencia that are farther away). We were talking with the driver about the church and he mencioned that he almost got baptized about 5 years ago! when we asked what happened, he said the night of his baptism there wasn´t power en Valencia, so there wasn´t light at the chapel. (This happens often randomly in ecuador). Well the next day he left to work for some time about an hour from here and lost contact with the missionaries. He said "I loved reading that Book of Nephi or what its called, but Ive lost it" When we gave him a new one, he said" Here is my book! This is my bok! I love reading this book." The Lord really puts people in our ways like Luis, and if we don´t open our mouths we miss oportunities!

-This week, at a lunch, as the hermana brought the food to the table I spelt Peanut butter (which I dont like a whole bunch in the first place, but I´ve missed it here in Ecuador!) I got kind of excited and asked what it was, if it was a salsa of peanut butter, she said "Its called GUATITA"..... I will let you all look that up for yourselves what I ate.. haha. It certainaly wasn´t my favorite, but it was cooked with love. :)

-The Familia Ajon is progressando really well!! The mom and 2 daughters came to watch the womens conference (which I LOVED!! ah.. the music was incredible, and it was so weird to see so many white faces! haha.) and they loved it!! Only about 5 membros came and they asked why nobody else came if it was such a big conference. They had a point and I didn´t have an answer! Its said when we don´t prioritize the oppotunidad to hear from a profet of God and recieve revelation.

This week was full of success and hard work, we found many miracles and had many opportunities to teach the gospel. We are working with alot of families, and menos activos. There is so much work to do! This week was a little stressful at times and everynight we arrived so tired!  My companion is the best, and we have a lot of fun together. Its fun to talk about Hawaii, and the connections we have there. 

Sounds like the Reunion was a success! Una Pachanga, no?! :) I´m excited to read the letters the wrote. I got lots of cute pictures of Carline, and Jared and Britts kids. Everyone is growing up! 

Mom, I didn´t get all of your email! Only "Dear Hermana McKee" haha.. but I could feel the love it was full of. I don´t think it sent correctly. But I´m excited to get 2 next week :) 

Love you all somuch! I´m excited for this COnference ARe you all going to attend? Or will you be watching at home? 

Feliz Cumpleaños michelle!!!

Con amor,
Hermana McKee

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